G.I.Joe by Hasbro. Figure is same mold as GIJOE vs. Cobra- Sgt. Stalker vs. Neo Viper Commander. Jacket is repainted a much duller green. Comes with different guns and backpack. Mint on card.
G.I.Joe by Hasbro. Figure is same mold as GIJOE vs. Cobra- Sgt. Stalker vs. Neo Viper Commander. Jacket is repainted a much duller green. Comes with different guns and backpack. Mint on card.
G.I.Joe by Hasbro. Figure is same mold as GIJOE vs. Cobra- Sgt. Stalker vs. Neo Viper Commander. Jacket is repainted a much duller green. Comes with different guns and backpack. Mint on card.